
To begin the process of registering a generation resource with MISO, the Generation Interconnection Application process is now available using an online portal to register generation resources in MISO. The following steps will guide you to the portal and show how to login and begin the process.

Steps to Request Access to the GI Online Application Guide: 
  1. Sign into your existing account on the Customer Learning Center to access the GI Online Application Guide (available 3/3/2020),.
  2.  A direct link to the guide is featured on the main page of the Customer Learning Center under “News and Announcements”.  The Guide’s permanent home after the initial launch period will be under Transmission & Generation Planning and Resource Adequacy/Generation Interconnection. 
  3. If you not yet visited the Customer Learning Center, you will need to create a new account.  Tutorials to access the Customer Learning Center are included at the links below.  NOTE: NEW CUSTOMERS MUST FOLLOW THE LINK TO THE LMS PROVIDED IN THE TUTORIALS BELOW, as it is different from the standard LMS sign on:
    1. Customer Training Access Tutorial
    2. System Operator Learners Access
    3. MISO Employee Access
  4. For questions on the Training, refer to Debbie Baldwin ( 
  5. For questions on completing the application, refer to the GI Team (
Steps to Request Access to the GI Portal : 
  1. First, you must request access to the portal from the Generator Interconnection page on the MISO website (See steps below).
  2. Go to:
  3. Click: Log in
  4. Click: Planning> Generator Interconnection > Generator Interconnection:

  5. The request access link is located in lower left of the Generator Interconnection page:
  6. Fill out all required fields > Click: Submit
  7. Confirmation email will be sent when access has been granted
  8. Log into the GI portal:
    Link:  [LINK to be added when available]
    **NOTE:  Use the same log in credentials that are used to sign into the MISO profile on website.

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