
MISO's Unit Dispatch System (UDS) uses Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) algorithms to dispatch resources. When resources are offered into the market, resource owners set minimum and maximum offers based on the resource's capabilities for two modes:  

  • Load Following Mode (Control Mode 1) 

  • Normal Operating Conditions - UDS follows Economic Min/Max targets as set by the resource owner 

  • Emergency Operating Condition - UDS follows Emergency Min/Max targets as set by the resource owner 

  • Regulation Mode (Control Mode 2) 

  • UDS follows Regulation Min/Max targets as set by the resource owner 

If your resource was not dispatched as you expected, follow these steps: 

  1. Check your resource offer to ensure it is set to dispatch in the correct operating control mode.  

  1. Check the min/max targets entered to ensure they are entered correctly 



  • Hourly Emergency Maximum Limit: 

  • The maximum MW level at which a Generation Resource, an External Asynchronous Resource or Demand Response Resource Type II may operate under Emergency conditions that may be submitted to override the default value submitted during the asset registration process. 

  • Hourly Economic Maximum Limit: 

  • The maximum MW level at which a Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource Type II or External Asynchronous Resource may operate under normal system conditions that may be submitted to override the default value submitted during the asset registration process. 

  • Hourly Regulation Maximum Limit: 

  • The maximum MW output at which a Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource – Type II, External Asynchronous Resource, or Stored Energy Resource can respond to automatic control signals that may be submitted to override the default value submitted during the asset registration process. 

  • Hourly Regulation Minimum Limit: 

  • The minimum MW output at which a Generation Resource, Demand Response Resource–Type II, External Asynchronous Resource, or Stored Energy Resource can respond to automatic control signals that may be submitted to override the default value submitted during the asset registration process. 

  • Hourly Economic Minimum Limit: 

  • The minimum MW level at which a Generation Resource or Demand Response Resource Type II or External Asynchronous Resource may operate under normal system conditions that may be submitted to override the default value submitted during the asset registration process.