
MISO PowerGADS will accept 3 types of data:

  • Performance (Card 95 required) - Each time a unit experiences a change in operating status or capability, an event is recorded. From these event reports a unit’s operational history can be reconstructed.
  • Event (Card 97 required) - Monthly generation, capacity, start data and unit time. 
  • Fuel (Card 99 optional) – Monthly fuel type, consumption, heat content and chemical properties.

More information on GADS Reporting can be found in the Resource Adequacy Business Practices Manual (BPM-011), the MISO PowerGADS User Manual which can be accesses through the MISO Market Portal> PowerGADS> GADS 3.0 JBoss> Help> User Manual, and in the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Data Reporting Instructions.