
MISO will establish the Local Clearing Requirement (LCR) for each Local Resource Zone based on this formula:
 LCR = Local Reliability Requirement – Zonal Import Ability – Controllable Exports 
Controllable Exports are (i) from MISO resources that have firm capacity commitments to non-MISO load; and (ii) may be committed and dispatched by the Transmission Provider during a declared Energy Emergency.
The Local Reliability Requirement (LRR) is the amount of UCAP MWs required to yield a 0.1-day-per-year Loss of Load Expectation (LOLE) at the load level for the Local Resource Zone (LRZ) at the time of the LRZ peak, without assistance from resources outside the respective LRZ
The Zonal Import Ability (ZIA) represents the zone’s ability to import capacity.
The LCR values will be updated if needed prior to each  Planning Resource Auction due to changes in controllable exports.
BPM-011 Resource Adequacy
Tariff - Module E-1