
MISO’s Maintenance Margin calculation is a forward-looking calculation based on Planning Year inputs from Resource Adequacy and their annual Loss of Load Expectation study.  Maintenance Margin results subtract current planned generator outages in CROW from the Maintenance Limit provided by Resource Adequacy and provides the number of mega-watts that are available for scheduling generator outages while still allowing MISO to meet all its obligations.
Maintenance Margin results should be used to identify time periods where there is available margin for a generator to take an outage.  Periods of low or negative Maintenance Margin values should be avoided when scheduling generator outages.
Additional information is available at the links below.
BPM-008 – Outage Operations – Attachment F
MISO Tariff – Module C – Maintenance Margin
MISO Tariff – Module A – Common Tariff Provisions and Definitions – Maintenance Margin definition