  1. Market Participants may submit a Metering Data Service Request to change minimum and maximum values.

    1. Within the Market Portal, select “Metering Data Service Requests” from the Metering Data tile.
    2. Select the appropriate Request Category and Request Type. (Click “reset” to clear the form if you make an error.)
    3. When the information is correct, select “Next.”

    In the new screen, you will need to fill out four data entry points, including:
    Node ID
    MIN data
    MAX data
    MDMA Contact Person

    NOTE - In the MIN and MAX fields, previous data will populate – simply delete and fill in with new data. Again, if there is an error, choose “reset” to clear all fields. When correct, select “Next.”

    Once the request is submitted and processed, the MDMA will receive a Request ID Number and a Service Request Receipt. You may choose to print your receipt, contact an account representative, or make a new request.
    For more information regarding Meter Data related questions please see the Meter Data folder on the MISO website.