When submitting an E-Tag, keep in mind that all parties to the tag will need to time to evaluate and approve their segment.

If all parties to the E-tag had time to evaluate and approve the tag, it should then be included. MISO uses an electronic tag (E-tag) approval process to track approvals of schedules for inclusion in its Day Ahead (DA) market. After an E-Tag is submitted for consideration into MISO’s Day Ahead Market, all of the participants included in the E-tag have two hours to evaluate the request and submit their individual responses. Normally, MISO’s automated validation tools provide a response within five minutes. However, MISO reserves it’s right to use the entire allocated time. Additionally, ALL approval entities must provide an approval response before the E-tag status will update to APPROVED.

For more information, see BPM 007 – Physical Scheduling. You might also be interested in BPM 002 -Energy and Operating Reserves Market.