
MISO Client Services and Readiness (CSR) team process six types of NDAs: 

  • Universal NDA (UNDA – Used for disclosure of Confidential Information to MISO Members and Market Participants; 

  • Universal Planning NDA – Used for ongoing disclosure of Confidential Information to an Authorized Agency as defined in the Tariff through the transmission planning process; 

  • Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) NDA – Used for disclosure of CEII; 

  • Research NDA – Used for disclosure of Confidential Information to a Researcher; 

  • Authorized Requestor NDA – Used for specific disclosure (not ongoing access) of Confidential Information to any Authorized Agency as defined in the Tariff; 

  • Attachment Z NDA – Available upon request and pertains only to Transmission Operators and Local Balancing Authorities. 

Note:  All NDA submissions must be typed to ensure accuracy of data.  The UNDA, Research and Authorized Requestor NDAs require legal approval. 


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