
 A unit is considered dispatchable following an outage when the Market Participant changes it status to one of these five potential Resource Offer Commitment Status settings:
§ Outage – Designates the Resource is not available for consideration in Energy and Operating Reserve Markets commitment because the Resource is on a Generator Planned Outage or Generator Forced Outage.
§ Emergency – Designates the Resource is available for commitment in Emergency situations only.
§ Economic – Designates the Resource is available for commitment by MISO.
§ Must-Run (self-commit) – Designates the Resource as committed per MP request and is available for dispatch by MISO.
§ Not Participating – Designates that the Resource will not participate in the Day-Ahead and/or Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve Market but is otherwise available.
For more information, please see BPM 002 – Energy and Operating Reserves Market.
You may also be interested in: Generation Resource Operation Timeline.