  • My generator has a forced outage before 10:30 EPT, how is that reflected in DA?
  • My generator has a forced outage after 10:30 EPT, how is that reflected in DA?


Two key inputs into the Day-Ahead Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) engine are the outage scheduler and unit offer data. The day-ahead process captures the most recent offer status as of day-ahead market close, which is 10:30 EPT. For a resource to clear MWs the following must be true:

  • The day-ahead offer must be Must Run (MR) or Economic (EC)
  • There must not be an effective outage in the outage scheduler for that generator

Conversely, to have assurance that an unavailable resource will not clear MWs the unit offer and/or the outage scheduler must be updated prior to market close. Any updates made after the day-ahead market close time has passed will not be reflected in the day-ahead process.


There are 2 processes for entering units into Outage for the Day Ahead Market.  

  1. Enter Outage in the Portal (MUI)
    • The Portal entry is validated and need to be entered prior to 10:30 EPT. 
    • 'Outage' status here removes you from a market solution but does not remove your obligation for the unit's Must Offer.
  2. Enter the unit into the Outage Scheduler (CROW)
    • CROW tickets take priority in the hierarchy, and CROW tickets involve a manual review process by a Rt Outage Engineer.

​​​​​​​It is recommended that you update the Portal first for a unit with an unplanned outage and immediately follow up with a CROW ticket.  This will signal the SCUC to remove the unit on outage from the DA solution.  The Must Offer compliance is backed up by the CROW ticket and its evaluation.  The unit will not come off outage until the CROW ticket has been updated.  


​​​​​​​You can find more information on the Day Ahead Market in: BPM 002 – Energy and Operating Reserves Market.