Knowledge Articles

  • Day Ahead Bid and Offer Data Entry

    Description: Bid and Offer data may not be changed after Day Ahead Market close (1030 Eastern Prevailing Time).

    Keywords: Day Ahead, Market, Close, Bid, Offer, Late

    Views: 33


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Day Ahead Bid submittal, DST

    Description: Daylight Savings Time (DST) does not influence the bid/offer window.

    Keywords: DA, Day Ahead, DST, Daylight Savings Time, Bid, Offer

    Views: 80


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Day Ahead Electronic Tag (E-Tag) Adjustment

    Description: An E-Tag for a transaction scheduled in the Day Ahead Market may be considered for adjustment.

    Keywords: Tag, E-Tag, DA, Day Ahead, Adjustment, Schedule, Transaction, OATI, Physical Schedule

    Views: 10


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Day Ahead Interchange Schedule

    Description: Market Participants and Day Ahead interchange schedule process.

    Keywords: Day Ahead, DA, Interchange, Schedule, Tag, E-tag, Adjust, Adjustment

    Views: 21


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Day Ahead Market Clearing Price (MCP)

    Description: Market Clearing Prices are posted daily following the close of the Day Ahead Market.

    Keywords: What time does MISO post Market Clearing Prices?

    Views: 34


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Day Ahead Market Ex-Post Locational Marginal Price (LMP)

    Description: Ex-Post LMPs are posted daily following the close of the Day Ahead Market.

    Keywords: Day Ahead, DA, Post, Ex-Post, LMP, Market Clearing, Results

    Views: 36


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Day Ahead Market Results

    Description: Day Ahead Market clearing results are made available daily.

    Keywords: Day Ahead, Clearing, Results, Posted, LMP, Price, Prices

    Views: 19


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Day Ahead Market Timeline


    Keywords: DA, Day Ahead, Market Close, Timeline

    Views: 44


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Daylight Savings Time Effect on Day Ahead Bids Offers

    Description: Day Ahead bids/offers are not affected by the change to/from daylight savings time.

    Keywords: DA, Day Ahead, Bids, Offers, DST, Daylight Savings Time, Submissions

    Views: 48


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Dead Node

    Description: Bid or offer failed to clear in the Day Ahead market

    Keywords: DA, Day Ahead, Bid, Offer, Award, Economic, Clear, LMP, Dead Bus, Dead Node, Outage, CROW

    Views: 38


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Generating Unit Not Picked Up in Day Ahead

    Description: MISO’s Day Ahead market algorithm considers many variables in determining the least cost solution for the next operating day.

    Keywords: Generating Unit, Unit, Generator, DA, Day Ahead, No Award, Economic, Clear

    Views: 12


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • MISO Electronic Tagging (E-Tag) Approval Timeline

    Description: Electronic transaction schedules must be approved prior to closing of the Day Ahead market in order to be included in the market clearing process.

    Keywords: E-Tag, Approve, Approval, DA, Day Ahead, Market Close, Tag, Schedule

    Views: 59


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Generation Outage and Impact to Day Ahead

    Description: Outages and their timing for Day Ahead submittal

    Keywords: Outage, DA, CROW, Trip, Day Ahead, Must Offer, Generator

    Views: 20


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021