Knowledge Articles

  • Add/Update Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) Contact

    Description: MDMAs may add contact information for a new metering agent through the MDMA Change of Information Page.

    Keywords: MDMA, Change Contact, Meter Data, Agent,

    Views: 12


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • MDMA change of Information Page

    Description: In order to update information on your MDMA, you will need to access the MDMA Change of Information Page.

    Keywords: MDMA, Meter Data, Change, Change of Information, Contact, Portal

    Views: 15


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Metering Data Service Requests

    Description: Market Participants can change the minimum and maximum values by making a Metering Data Service Request.

    Keywords: Meter Data, Metering Data, MDMA, Change Values, Minimum, Maximum, Service Request

    Views: 11


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Update Metering Agent Contact

    Description: Update Metering Agent Contact

    Keywords: Update, Change, Meter Data, Contact, Metering Agent

    Views: 19


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Verify Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) Information

    Description: MDMAs can verify updates to agent contact information from the MDMA Change of Information Page.

    Keywords: MDMA, Meter Data, Verify, Update, Agent, Portal, Contact Change

    Views: 56


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Viewing Uploaded Meter Data

    Description: Market Participants may check the status of uploaded meter files by accessing the “View Metering Data” screen.

    Keywords: View, Meter Data, MDMA, Check Status, View Meter Data, Portal

    Views: 36


    Published On: Jan 26, 2021

  • Market Settlements Business Practices Manual

    Description: Describes the process for disputing a Market Settlement Statment

    Keywords: Settlement, Dispute, Statement, Market Settlement

    Views: 123


    Published On: Dec 23, 2020